Ambassadorships has also been developing an instructive, easily grasped Apologetic methodology. It can be applied in almost any conversation to gain an understanding of the worldview beliefs held by another individual. This method, along with a working understanding of "A Conversaunt Existence," is also effective for countering the falsehoods being employed by those persons who would deny God's rightful place over the universe He created.
The God of this Universe has entrusted each of us with a huge responsibility. In Matthew 28: 19 He has told us to, "go and make disciples of all nations." It is incumbent upon each one of us to be prepared at our utmost to do the task we have been given. We wouldn't go to do any job unprepared, unless of course we didn't want that job. Most often there are specific tools that we need to use. Again, we must be prepared here. We need to know which tools to use, we must remember to bring them and we need to know how to use them.
It's preposterous to think that God is asking to much from us when He asks us to help enlarge the kingdom. It doesn't appear that God is asking to much of us to be as prepared as we can be to do that job. Ambassadorships can help. Please consider allowing Ambassadorships to help yourself and others to be fully prepared to join in with us. The lives of our children and grandchildren may depend on it.
Thank you and may God Bless,
G. Bradley Nelson
The past 100 plus years of having our beliefs smeared is more than enough. Now is the right time to do something about the false accusations and lies being perpetrated against Christianity and Christianity's God.
Well, Ambassadorships is happy to inform everyone on this world that - THERE IS A GOD - and it can be proven. In "A Conversaunt Existence" there is ample evidence to set the record straight. On top of that God's creation itself screams out to a deaf and blind world That God Is.